Tuesday, July 13, 2010

extra 4

Why do textbook cost so much and why did I buy them when I do not need them?

Why does college cost so much?

Why do they have a job field and when someone graduates, their job field changes?

I just spend 68 dollars on an e-book last semester and that was a load of B.S. I could not get a return on that book because all that they give you is a password and that it and it is all online. Where did 68 dollar where did that go to? My teacher said, “This could be the new frontier of textbooks.” A password that cost 68 dollars, I am still pissed at that. I can understand that people who created these textbook did a lot of research and they just want as much money as possible for what they made. I cannot understand why a chemistry book cost 140 dollars, when that is a core class that you need to take. Let take my history class for example, my class has 28 people and their book cost used was 100 dollars. That is 2800 dollars in book. I can tell you for a fact that I did not read or touch that book while I was in that class. Here is the shitty part when I sell or try to sell back that book they might not buy my book back and if they did then I would only get 20 bucks back if it is in good condition. Books are always changing. How much new research cost anyway? They changed the History book and it still has the same information but it has a new cover. I cannot sell my History book back because it not “up to date”.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Why metal bats?

Why not replace the baseball?

Is there such a thing as a safe sport?

There is no such thing as a safe sport. All sports you can get hurt pretty bad. For instead baseball, have you taking a line shot to the head with a baseball. It is not soft at all. I am sure the kid would get knocked out. Would you get rid of baseball if that happen? I was a freaked accident. One kid got hit it is not like kids are getting hit in the head with metal bats all the time, so why would you make everyone else suffer for just that one kid? Ok let say this no one have falling down stairs before and all of a sudden I fell and was knock out for a couple of days and my leg was broken. Would we put a ban on stairways now because I fell? They only thing I can think of that is a safe sport, if you want to call it that, is chess. No one can get hurt, not unless your opponent had anger issues, then maybe. If this is a permit decision then what next? Are we going to go to touch football now because their mommies do not want to get them hurt? People should know what they are getting into, not because they have to play a sport. You should go over the risk with your kid, and if they still want to go into a sport and you are ok with it then let them.


Did the 14th amendment have to deal with the blacks getting their citizenship not have to do with guns?
What is Sarbanes-Oxley?
What does Sarbanes-Oxley have to do with the gun showdown?
I’m still stuck on the 14th amendment. I am taking a history class and we just went over the the 13th-15th amendments I what I remember it had nothing to do with gun control. I state that the 14th amendment said, “all person born or naturalized in the US are citizens of the us, nothing to do with guns, given to right to vote if you are male and over 21, nothing to with guns, any government job that took the oath of the constitution of the united states and if the engaged in a rebellion and or given aid or comfort to the enemies cannot come back to work in the legislature branch, still nothing to do with guns, debt that you help out the enemies will not be taking care of the united states, don’t these people know how to read, Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article, weak but maybe. I thought the 2nd amendment was the right to have a gun and even that is pretty wishy washy. We are not in a war in the United States, so we should not have guns in our houses anyways.


I thought Hawaii was already gay marriage friendly?

Who cares about Hawaii if it has gay marriage?

Why did it take so long to pass this bill?

They are rainbow and topless men and women in bikinis; it is a gay person place to be. Who cares about Hawaii if they can allow to gay people to marry? People will still want to go to their honeymoon over there. It is still a safe place to go. The gay people are not going to take over Hawaii and make it into a gay state. Beside what I did in most of Hawaii was lie on the beach and close my eye and soak up the sun. I think I keep my eye shut of over half the stay in Hawaii. Hawaii is a tourist state anyway. People do not go to Hawaii for good American values and a good home cooked meal like in the main lands. They are people there walking around in short shorts and a swim suite top that not covering up much and guy just walking around topless. What morals are you talking about? You are not also going to take the kids over there because they want to go to the beach. No it is for couples how are married and a group of friends and the people who are going are over 21 and up. You are not going to corrupt little kids minds.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Blog #10 How to shave your lower legs

I found out a good way to shave your legs. First it start out with washing your legs with a rich moisturize soap that does not leave your skin feeling drive. Never use hot water well shaving or even washing your skin because it will dry out your skin. After you wash your area some women like to you shaving cream or gel or they use their own hair conditioner. Once you apply the cream surrounding on one calf, you are now ready to shave one of your legs. When picking out a razor make sure the razor is nice and sharp. I f you get a dull razor blade you can get nick and start bleeding. Now you are ready to shave your legs. Now go to the one with the cream on it and start at your ankles, and go upward to your knee with a soft but firm press with the razor blade. If you press to hard then you get nick and start to bleed and if you press to soft then it will leave you feeling stubbing. You move upward all around your calf and with warm water then rinse out the rest of the cream. As you’re rinsing your leg you can feel your leg and see if you missed any spots. Repeat with other leg. After when you’re done shaving add a moisturizing lotion so your legs won’t get dry.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Beauty is the eye of the beholder. Everyone has a different taste in people, so how can you compare people to other people. Many women want the tall, dark and handsome then through in some nice muscle and you can make a lot of women happy. I can tell you for a fact every woman has different taste in men. For example, I like tall then me, dark or red hair, and handsome. According to my definition of handsome is the dorky looking, on the other hand, my friend who like tall blonde and handsome and according to her is muscular. She is like every other woman who likes the tall dark and handsome stereotype. Most women will agree is that when we are looking for in a guy he has to be taller than us. Not unless your are into short men, then let any one stop you from dating or marry anyone you want.